The Grand Foyer
The Diva is Ready to Rock Your World!

The myDIVA iPhone App is in the iPhone App Store, ready for download!  Check out the great new app that thousands of people world-wide are enjoying!

Check out more videos at

myDIVA is Now on Sale at the Apple iTunes App Store!

OCT 2, 2009 - Great News!  Today, myDIVA went live on Apple's iTunes App Store!  Be sure to go and download it today - it's only $.99, but it's pure fun!  CLICK HERE to go to the Apple iTunes App Store and be the first on your block to have a real live opera star insult your friends. 

And be sure to leave your feedback on what you want to have The Diva sing on Version 2.0 - if we use your suggestion, we'll give you credit for bragging rights!

Many thanks to everyone who's helped make myDIVA a reality - Michael and Tulio at Foamcube Creative Design & Development, the Amazing Rob Hennings, Kennedy at Kennedy Sound in Washington, DC, and Chris Emerick & Marcus Parker at Paragon Media in Santa Ana, CA.

What are you waiting for?  Download myDIVA now!

The Diva Gives an Interview!

SEPT 10 - Click here to listen to Arianna Zukerman, the Voice of the Diva, interviewed on CBC Radio 1 91.5 FM in Ottawa, Canada on Sept. 10, 2009.  It's a great interview! (RealPlayer)

Welcome to the myDiva iPhone App Page

The myDiva iPhone App will make your iPhone sing like a soprano and bring some fun center stage in your life.  How you use myDiva to spice up your life is entirely up to you!

  • Use her in the bathroom
  • Use her at the bar
  • Use her at your next meeting
  • Use her to send your boss a (not-so-subtle) message
  • Use her just as way to be fabulous.
     myDiva is great for any occasion when your inner Diva needs to roar!

Hasn't your iPhone been farting long enough?